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Def “Political” Jam

May 11th, 2008 J Cifre, J.D. Posted in Humor | 139 Comments »

The video above is exactly what is in store for us if Obama becomes President; a glorified but unfunny ‘Def Comedy Jam’ section that runs for 4 years without end. To be clear, if Obama represented an uncensored session of the Chappelle Show, then matters would be a lot better, but as we know, Obama doesn’t have neither Dave’s talent nor good intentions.

McCain Vows To Replace Secret Service With His Own Bare Fists

The video above explores just how tough John McCain is when it comes to National AND personal security.

Just to round off the weekend with a good dose of ‘religious controversy’, I include the video above in today’s humor. Even though most people find Rev. Manning to be highly offensive and hateful, we must admit that said clip is very funny, specially if looked from a comedic lens. During this tense election season, we should sometimes take things a bit lightly. Hearing Manning call Obama a ‘long legged pimp’ is obviously comical, no matter our views on the issue, or our personal instinct to automatically defend the integrity of all pimps around the world, who have been so hatefully insulted by being compared to Mr. Barack.

Also make sure you check out our NEW ART SECTION by clicking on the link provided on the right sidebar of this site under “IMPORTANT PAGES”. We will update daily and you can also submit your own by emailing them to!

Please enjoy yourselves and have a great (and humorous!) Mother’s Day!

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Peas in One Pod

May 10th, 2008 J Cifre, J.D. Posted in Outside Sources | 117 Comments »

Dr. James Manning, a well known and often radical African American preacher from Harlem (New York), discusses the Black Church and Barack Obama in the videos above and bellow.

Ever since the Media has force-fed the idea that Rev. Jeremiah Wright is representative of a widespread “Black church experience” to which many Americans were simply “not in tune with”, I have found it relevant to post videos from this particular preacher, since he always provides many eloquent (and often comical) reasons to NEVER support Barack Obama and his Liberal lackeys. To some, this preacher may simply be the “flip side” of Rev. Wright. To others, he is one of the few “main line” Black preachers who “tells it how it is” and has been throughly asking his community to take the concepts of ’self reliance’ and ‘personal responsibility’ to heart.

Bellow, please find a small taste of what is coming Obama’s way in the general election. Even Democrats must admit that if you want to see a functional ad against Barack Hussein Obama, you must leave it to the Republican National Committee and their friends for a job well done. Enjoy the preview!

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Mother’s Day Dream

May 9th, 2008 Lin Farley Posted in Reminiscing | 305 Comments »

by Lin Farley, Contributor

Maybe I am not a Democrat, after all. Because, let’s face it, the Democratic Party doesn’t want me– so why should I continue to want them?

I think a lotta women are asking themselves this question along about now.

I mean where in the Democratic National Committee Leadership is there a woman at all. We got Donna Brazile, who hates gays, is more responsive to her race than her sex and backs Obama because she cannot resist the movie in her head called: Triumph of the Race.

And then there is Howard Dean who hates the Clinton’s and is a progressive Democrat who went down in flames electorally; but what the hell–he is Obama’s guy on the Inside.

And then there is WHO? C’mon, all you astute electioneer armchair handicappers; Where is the woman who is in power in leadership in the Democratic National Committee? WHO?


Ok. So we have introduced the idea that just maybe the party of our fathers and their sons has abandoned me and women by the boatload for a good long time. So isn’t supporting this party a sucker play for us?

For women that it is. Because now Mcgovern, Mondale, Kennedy, Kerry, and Hart [Carter too] are working that ole liberal loser thang all over again.

And it ain’t gonna fly any better this time than it has in the past.

I don’t need to be a guy, and I don’t need to possess a college degree to understand that this is a loser strategy. But that’s the problem, isn’t it? The GUYS and their female hangers-on like BoringBoringBoring McCaskill can’t see what is as plain as the nose on your face to every Democrat without a college degree from here to Charleston, West Virginia with stops in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, New York, and California.

We Lose if we go this way. Because the women ain’t coming back. And neither are the White working class.

The seniors will leave as well. And the Latinos.

Finally, anyone who thinks Barack Obama is going to carry the Jewish vote is smoking too much of the hopium. They will not support Obama who wants to negotiate with Hamas and Iran.

So how many times will the liberals insist on running this play? The one that goes, ‘Blacks and Upper Income voters will carry the day’. Because the other party knows that election gambit by heart and they ‘whup ass’ every damn time we go that way.

If we reject the Clinton coalition of voters this year we are committing suicide as a political party.

But Donna Brazile don’t care; she just told me to go f**ck myself, ‘Barack don’t need my kind’.

And I think Obama’s people think me and my kind don’t matter `cause people hate Bush so bad, ain’t nobody gonna vote Repuggie’?

“NO, NO, NO”– to quote a famous preacher. It’s a sucker play; don’t fall for it.

But jeeeze, if there is one thing this primary battle has taught me it is what a good friend just described to me: The Democratic Party could care less about me. They will not find a way to deal with Michigan and Florida so their votes count. They don’t care about the women’s vote in any way comparable to the way the care about the black vote. The Liberal wing of the party has an endless money pot so who cares if all those two-bit suckers for Hillary don’t get on the bandwagon. The liberals are buying super delegates like there is a fire sale on them.

The only thing I can conclude about all this is that money, power and privilege are the keys to the kingdom for a whole lot of Democrats. Lip service is given to the little people–you know, the ones who don’t vote for Barack because they are bitter and too busy going to church and hunting to know any better. But Liberals in the Democratic Party are now so drunk on Anti-Bush wine they think they can slide on into home plate without rounding the bases. That’s why Obama wants to declare himself the winner before all the primaries are finished.

Here is the reality, not the spin. There is only a 130 or so vote difference between the two candidates, and no one has hit the magic number. The nomination doesn’t belong to anyone just yet. So why are so many anointing Barack the Messiah? I’ll tell you why, because we are letting Republican talking heads dictate who our nominee will be.

Hillary–And Only Hillary– can bring in the Clinton coalition of voters. She can beat McCain and she can win this general election. Obama cannot win the general election I don’t care how turned off by Bush the electorate is. Wright is wrapped around Obama’s neck like a smelly mackerel. And the repugs will never let anyone forget it.

I swear after two lost elections and eight years of Bush, I thought the Democrats got it. But if the Democrats are the guys–and a lot of people sure as hell see it that way–we are going to lose, lose, lose.

So Happy Mother’s Day, fellas. And here’s a little kicker for you from Taylor Marsh:

“His name is Will. He is an Obama supporter. He just learned of one of his mother’s dreams. It was an awakening. ‘I spoke to my mother briefly tonight, just small talk, and mentioned the political atmosphere of the last 24 hrs. She just said she loved me, and that she wanted to get off the phone, and gave it to my dad. She is a Hillary supporter, my dad and I are Obama folks. As my dad and I talked, I started to feel really bad about all the negative feelings that have emerged over the last few months. I particularly started to feel seriously guilty towards my mom. Had I just denied my 65 year-old mom the chance to see a woman become president for perhaps the only time in her adult life? I don’t think that a woman president is that far off at all, but I certainly wouldn’t go around assuming that, if I had spent the last 65 years watching a parade of men take the chair in the Oval Office, and feel like there is nothing to be done to change that. And along comes Hillary, and the dream is alive, and then it is crushed in this brutal primary we’ve all gone through. I guess for the first time in this election season, I walked for a moment in the other side’s shoes, and I really didn’t like how my side looked. And as much as my Obama activism has meant to me over the last several months, it suddenly didn’t hold a candle to realizing I may have participated in stealing my mother’s dreams away from her. All of a sudden, all I wanted to do was give my mom a female president, and do all it took to make that happen.This is a damn tough time to be a Democrat.’

©2008 Lin Farley, of All Rights Reserved.


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“Last Men Standing”

May 8th, 2008 J Cifre, J.D. Posted in American News | 194 Comments »

American politics has been riddled with dishonesty and self-interests from the very start of our Republic. In fact, the term “politician” tends be used as a pejorative term and is ladened with such an array of negative connotations that convincing most citizens of it’s positive aspects would be a waste of time. Nonetheless, in almost every election, we also find integral and positive images of true politicians, who actually do promulgate substantive ideals with honor and consistency. Of course, most of these individuals don’t get the appropriate exposure by our corrupt Mainstream Media, and most citizens tend to slowly gravitate to the lesser of two evils, deeply concerned with the consequences of simply staying at home during the election season.

The videos above (Paul) and bellow (Gravel), contain separate interviews with two of the most respected individuals STILL running for President in both mainstream parties: Ron Paul and Mike Gravel. As most of you know, they each represent what the Media calls “radical” perspectives within both the Liberal Movement and the Conservative Movement, although any knowledgeable political analyst can affirm that they are basically the only TRUE and ‘complete’ proponents of each respective ideology.

For a few days now, the sleazy Mainstream Media has been trying to put forward the ridiculous idea that Ron Paul somehow agrees with Barack Obama’s policies, when in fact he believes that his politics are more of the same, if not worse. Obama WILL NOT respect the constitution, Obama DOES NOT believe in smaller government (and instead will increase the welfare state), and has openly talked about utilizing preemptive strikes against Pakistan. These issues are the antithesis of what Mr. Paul believes, and the mere fact that so many “news sources” are trying to twist his words in order to make it appear differently is one of the most disrespectful affronts to a man of principle that I have ever witnessed, specially considering that there are plenty of videos in which Paul mocks Obama and his ideological pretensions that they could have used (he even calls Obama a FRAUD). The video above is a great example, along with Mike Gravel’s similar perspective on Obama as a ‘danger’ to our political culture and his party.

If a Paleo-Conservative like Paul endorses Obama, then I would be the first one to completely renounce his entire philosophical career and put pressure for him to no longer label himself as a such. Obama is even worse than McCain when it comes to SPENDING (welfare, department of education, governmental programs, affirmative action, etc) and Illegal Immigration (AMNESTY), which does not fare well with Ron Paul’s major political battles (nor with his particular brand of Conservatism). In other words, Obama is not only a horrendous candidate for a true Liberal, he is even worse for true Conservatives. Enjoy the videos and don’t let the Media tell us how to think and what to do!

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May 7th, 2008 J Cifre, J.D. Posted in Political Analysis | 238 Comments »

The metamorphosis was completed yesterday, at the end of both the North Carolina and Indiana primaries. Barack Obama has officially become the Black candidate, and any other opposing White politician has become the White candidate.

This process began in South Carolina and it has been steadily becoming a reality, with Whites slowly stepping away from the Obama campaign (figuratively) and Blacks stepping into it (literally). Latinos, on the other hand, never even visited his camp and more than likely never will, a factor that Democratic pundits are conveniently leaving out of their calculations. The reasons for all of the racial dynamics of these recent events are quite complex and can be analyzed by simply going back to past SavagePolitics articles, and reading forward in time (start with “Black Voters with a Twist of Bias“). Needless to say, yesterday’s results solidify this historic situation.

In North Carolina, were Obama won by 14 percentile points, he received 91% of the African American vote. In said State, the Black population is only 22%, although within the Democratic Party they represent a larger participatory percentage (almost reaching 45% of it’s electoral power). By simply looking at this community’s obviously tribal support of Obama, it was basically impossible that any other candidate could have won said primary unless the Black candidate was removed from the ballot (since White people are not voting in blocks, at least not overwhelmingly). How much did race play into last night’s results, and what does this mean for John McCain and the rest of America?

In North Carolina, Whites went for Clinton over Obama in a 61% percentile advantage, in Indiana the same voters went for Clinton in a 60% margin. As we already know, in NC 91% of Blacks went for Obama, while in Indiana 90% of the same voters went in the same direction. Comically, when asked by the exit pollsters if race mattered in this race, the majority of both groups claimed by a margin of 50% (in both States) that said considerations didn’t matter. Among those who were honest and admitted that race was an actual factor, the majority were White and voted for Clinton. What is ironic (and to many ridiculous) about this fact is that although only 7% of African Americans admitted a racial component to their vote, it’s 90% approval of Obama not only mocks their contention, but it is also at odds with their other poll answers, in which they usually regard Obama’s capacity to run our Nation as less than formidable.

This racial polarization, as can be easily observed, is more dramatic within the Black community, since Whites did not overwhelmingly go in the direction of Clinton out of race (albeit just slightly). Of course, the fact that Obama is getting such an overwhelming RACIAL vote from the Black community is slowly having it’s negative effect within the White demographic, which is starting to feel annoyed at this fact and is beginning to also vote in blocks, albeit NOT ONLY in the primaries but in view of the general election.

Most of those who have been watching this primary season through the lens of the Mainstream Media do not realize that the African American demographic in this country only constitutes a 12% of the National population. In other words, even if all of them go to the polls in November and vote with a 100% margin for Barack Obama, he simply CAN’T win the election, unless he gets a large percentage of White voters. In addition, even if Obama miraculously received ALL Latino voters, something that will never happen (as history has shown), he still would be UNABLE to win a general election with them alone, since they only represent a 14% of our population (not even combining both communities can bring a victory for him). So, even if many of the current African American pundits erroneously claim that they “don’t need” the White working class vote to achieve a victory in November, the fact remains that Obama will not win said contest unless he is able to acquire the majority of the White vote (or at least a healthy chunk). But how then will White voters react to all of this ethnically charged fiasco? Will they support Obama out of their Media cultivated ‘White guilt’?

Although history does not have many examples from which we can get a basic understanding of what will happen, since a Black candidate is an American first, we can certainly make some good estimations based on what has already transpired during this season.

White DEMOCRATIC voters seem to have been voting AGAINST Barack Obama, and not simply in favor of Hillary Clinton. This can be easily determined by looking at how they viewed Clinton and her trustworthiness (not very good). Another indicator is the large amount of White voters who say they WILL NOT vote for Obama if he gets the nomination (around 50% in both states). This, of course, is NOT out of bitterness about their candidate (Clinton) but out of a simple anger at the fact that the Media and the Liberal establishment has FORCED an unprepared African American candidate down their throats. These same voters have constantly qualified themselves in the exit polling as “moderate” and “conservative” Democrats, and they all have gone to Clinton by a margin of 70%, the same demographic that is expected (more than likely) to go with John McCain in the general election (the so-called Reagan Democrats), in the same manner that Black people have “all” gone to Obama, irrespective of his policy issues (not very good nor original ones by any standard).

Of course, in this equation, most pundits are also forgetting the Latino vote. If the Obama campaign thinks that they can somehow convince this community that a Black president somehow means a “Latino” president, they have a big surprise coming their way. All they have to do is look at the most recent Presidents that have been elected in the Dominican Republic (and other Latin American countries) and they will simply NOT find a successful “Black” politician, even after you consider the fact that the majority of their people ARE Black. The reasons for this are simply too complex for the scope of this article, but needless to say, the fact that even Black Latinos don’t consider themselves Black will give you a fair understanding of why this has happened.

To put it another way, if Whites simply increase their ‘racial voting’ by a few percentile points, like it is already happening, then it is simply impossible for Obama to win the White House. If Latinos continue their large support for any candidate BUT Obama, as they have already been doing, then Obama will lose by one of the biggest margins in American history.

Of course, these same White voters will be labeled by the Media as rabid racists for destroying a “Black man’s chance”, but since African Americans are openly voting for Obama in the high 90% rank, this will (and maybe even should) encourage a similar flooding of White voters to the remaining candidate out of simple anger at their counterparts, while simultaneously fulfilling their “tribal” desire to keep the highest office within “their” cultural realm. This to the detriment of the many (though small in contrast) honest and sophisticated Black voters, who have seen Obama as the Trojan Horse that he is.

When and where have you ever seen a majority population become hostage to an infinitesimally small ethnic minority, simply to satisfy their RACIST wishes to have one of their own in control? Since when one racialist act doesn’t justify another one in response (theoretically)? How can the African American community believe that by supporting ANY Black candidate (that the White Democratic establishment chose for them) in such a wide margin will not create a highly negative racial backlash? Should White (and even Latino) America, who basically reside within the Republican Party and the Independent block, respond with their own brand of ‘racial voting’ by mobilizing against Obama, or simply close their eyes to reality?

We can categorically say that it is indeed a sad day in our history, when our election process basically becomes an ethnic contest for power. But only the Democratic Party, and their Mainstream Media lackeys, are to blame for this fiasco. Not only have they encouraged this charade, and have willingly fallen hostage to this dynamic, but they have even accepted the ridiculous argument that they somehow “don’t need the White population” to pull off a victory in November. Nonsensically, they have chosen to insult and mock the majority of our Country’s population and are somehow expecting to be respected for it (and get their support!). Worst of all, the Democratic elite have basically assumed that even if they lose the White House, at least they have proven to be sufficiently politically correct to nominate the most unqualified, inexperienced, corrupt and sleazy characters in American history, who just so happens to be Black.

©2008 J. Cifre, J.D., of All Rights Reserved.


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Gas Tax Pandering?

May 6th, 2008 J Cifre, J.D. Posted in American News | 91 Comments »

The following videos are a great set-up for today’s North Carolina and Indiana primaries. They specifically target the proposals made by both John McCain and Hillary Clinton regarding a temporary gas tax cut, supposedly placing the burden on oil companies. Barack Obama, as many voters already know, has opposed said tax plan and categorized it as “Washington politics”, proposing instead a long term plan for our current crisis (something that the other candidates also have in their rosters). Many economist agree with Obama’s position, claiming that only long term goals are effective and reasonable, some even calling short term plans a ‘pandering of the worst kind’. Of course, many other economist also agree that ANY tax cut is always a good policy, though only if it is not applied to anyone else in exchange. In reality, the proposed “tax cuts” are simply a REDIRECTION of taxes and not true “cuts”, which is another reason why economists are frowning upon it. Of course, all of these plans (from ALL candidates) are not being completely forthright about the fact that they are all dependent upon congress to approve them, something that is highly dependent on the political composition of said conglomerate and it’s willingness to follow the “lead” of these ‘presidents’.

Therefore, since this matter is highly dependent on rhetoric and not much on real policy, we should view and discuss the arguments that these politicians are making through their short ads, all of which have been running throughout the current and upcoming primary States.

The first ad is from Hillary Clinton, the second is Barack Obama’s response, and the last ad is from the Republican National Committee (not McCain per se). As you will notice, the issue of tax cuts can be seen from all sorts of angles, but one thing seems to unite both the Clinton campaign and the RNC; Barack Obama, or so they claim, is a fraud.

Notice the TONE and STYLE of all three advertisements, since they will always help you understand the basic underpinning of how each side views themselves and their opposition. Enjoy and discuss!


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An Unholy Trinity of Hate

May 5th, 2008 Lin Farley Posted in Political Analysis | 80 Comments »

by Lin Farley Contributor

Anti-Semitism, Racism, and Homophobia are espoused, promoted and extolled within the black church in America today as a result of sermons from the pulpit and from the activist behavior of African American preachers opposed to Jews, Whites and Gays.

A few of the more well-known disciples of this gospel of enmity, although some do not espouse all three parts, would include Al Sharpton in New York, Eric Lee in Los Angeles, Mack King Carter in Florida, and James Meeks and Jeremiah Wright in Chicago. All of these black preachers regularly serve up meaty servings of hate dripping with venom along with their homilies to God and Jesus. This may occur on Sunday morning in their sermons, or if they are no longer regularly preaching, then in their speeches and political positions.

Even a well known organization founded to fight prejudice and bigotry can become the platform for this hate. Rev. Eric Lee is the President/CEO of the Los Angeles branch of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and he has now apologized twice for his anti-Semitic remarks at an awards ceremony on the Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s death earlier this month.

In addition to these better known names, there are the 100 AA Baptist ministers who showed up in August of 2007 at the weekly meeting of the Baptist Ministerial Association in Memphis to express disgust with their white Congressman, US Representative Steve Cohen, over his support of a federal hate crimes bill. The Rev. Robert Poindexter of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church said, “He’s not black and he can’t represent me, that’s just the bottom line. I don’t care how people try and dress it up, it always comes down to race and he can’t know what its like to be black.”

But race was not actually the problem. The federal bill increases sentencing options for crimes committed because of factors such as race, religion and sexual orientation; and it broadens the scope of the federal government to prosecute such cases. And this is the real issue for many of these preachers who at that meeting were quick to express alarm that it would prevent them from preaching against homosexuality and expose them to lawsuits.

The Apostle Alton R. Williams, pastor of World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church, declared:

“If this becomes law, then the gay advocates will start suing preachers for what they [gays] see as hate. It’s not political. I‘m just concerned what it will possibly do to the Christian church.”

This bigotry towards gays in the black church is increasingly virulent and it is on the rise. The Rev. Gregory Daniels famously said in the NY Times in February 2004:

“If the KKK opposes gay marriage, I would ride with them!”

Gregory and the Memphis preachers are not atypical. They represent a rising problem towards gays within the black church that is so severe that the Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, in 2007 published “Face Right,” an article on the way black religious opposition to gays is mirroring notorious white preachers of hatred such as James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Lou Shelton.

The SPLC profiled 13 AA ministers who have joined the purveyors of bigotry and hate holding forth in many of the pulpits of America’s estimated 75,000 African-American churches. And the preaching of bigotry by black preachers is driving an alarming rise in black on white hate crimes. A Justice Department study in 1998 confirmed that nearly 20 percent of the hate crimes examined were committed against whites by black attackers. And the Southern Poverty Law Center has noted that black-on-white violence soared during the 1990s.

If black bigotry towards gays represents a new trend, other forms of bigotry and hate are long standing and entrenched. In January 1984 the Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymies” and to New York City as “Hymietown.” The remarks occurred in a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. According to the Post:

Jackson had assumed the references would not be printed because of his racial bond with Coleman, but several weeks later Coleman permitted the slurs to be included far down in an article by another Post reporter on Jackson’s rocky relations with American Jews.

A storm of protest erupted, and Jackson at first denied the remarks, then accused Jews of conspiring to defeat him. The Nation of Islam’s radical leader Louis Farrakhan, an aggressive anti-Semite and old Jackson ally, made a difficult situation worse by threatening Coleman in a radio broadcast and issuing a public warning to Jews, made in Jackson’s presence: “If you harm this brother [Jackson], it will be the last one you harm.

Finally, Jackson doused the fires in late February with an emotional speech admitting guilt and seeking atonement before national Jewish leaders in a Manchester, New Hampshire synagogue. Yet Jackson refused to denounce Farrakhan, and lingering, deeply rooted suspicions have led to an enduring split between Jackson and many Jews. The frenzy also heightened tensions between Jackson and the mostly white establishment press

Al Sharpton replaced Jackson as America’s most famous African American anti-Semite in 1991 after Gavin Cato, a seven-year-old black child was killed in a traffic accident in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights, the world center of the Lubavitch Hasadim. Cato was killed after a car driven by one of these Hasidic Jews went out of control and jumped a sidewalk striking Cato in what was indisputably an accident. Sharpton led 400 protesters through the Jewish section of Crown Heights, with one protester holding a sign that read, The White Man Is the Devil. There were four nights of rock- and bottle-throwing, and a young Talmudic scholar was surrounded by a mob shouting, Kill the Jew and stabbed to death. A hundred others were injured. Sharpton said:

“The world will tell us that [Gavin Cato] was killed by accident….What type of city do we have that would allow politics to rise above the blood of innocent babies?…Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights….All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise. Pay for your deeds…If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”

The Crown Heights Riot is widely believed to be the worst incident of anti-Semitism in American history. Bracha Estrin, a Lubavitch survivor of the Holocaust, committed suicide; six stores were looted; 152 police officers and 38 civilians claimed to have been injured; 27 police vehicles were damaged or destroyed; and 129 persons were arrested.

Sharpton has never apologized for his role in the Crown Heights Riots which brought him enormous publicity, and a mere four years later he orchestrated another Anti-Semitic political action in Harlem in 1995 when the United House of Prayer, a large black landlord in Harlem, raised the rent on Freddy’s Fashion Mart. Freddy’s white Jewish owner then raised the rent on his subtenant, a black-owned music store. A landlord-tenant dispute ensued and Sharpton used it to incite racial hatred when he malignantly warned, “We will not stand by, and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.”

Sharpton’s National Action Network set up picket lines; customers going into Freddy’s were spat on and cursed as “traitors” and “Uncle Toms.” Some protesters shouted Burn down the Jew store! and simulated striking a match. Sharpton’s colleague Morris Powell said:

“We’re going to see that this cracker suffers”

On Dec. 8, one of the protesters burst into Freddy’s, shot four employees point-blank, then set the store on fire. Seven employees died in the inferno.

On April 4, 2008, at a Los Angeles event commemorating the assassination of Martin Luther King, the African-American fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi gave Israeli-American Daphna Ziman its Tom Bradley Award for community service. At the event the keynote speaker the Reverend Eric Lee, turned to Ms. Ziman and launched an anti-Semitic diatribe. According to Ziman:

Lee started talking about the African American children who are suffering because of the Jews that have featured them as rapists and murderers. He spoke of a Jewish Rabbi, and then corrected himself to say ‘What other kind of Rabbis are there, but Jews?’ He told how this Rabbi came to him to say that he would like to bring the AA community and the Jewish community together. ‘NO, NO, NO!!!!’ he shouted into the crowd, ‘we are not going to come together. The Jews have made money on us in the music business and we are the entertainers, and they are economically enslaving us.

(An attempt to revive the “Black-Jewish Connection” is currently underway in Los Angeles, according to the L. A. Watts Times.)

Lee continued with his anti-Semitic diatribe, according to Ziman, at which time she could no longer tolerate it and crying, she fled the room. No mainstream publication has ever acknowledged this event although Lee was forced to apologize and did so twice.

If we define racism as prejudice or discrimination based on an individual’s race then these following statements, in the opinion of this writer, are racist:

“The problem with the world is that it is run by ‘rich White people’”

Rev. Jeremiah Wright on numerous occasions.

“The thing about the Jeremiah Wright thing is White People have never repented of their transgressions.”

Pastor Mack King Carter of New Mount Olive Church in Fort Lauderdale in his April 13 sermon.

“We don’t have slave masters we got White Mayors.”

Illinois State Senator James Meeks, an Illinois super delegate pledged to Obama, one of his three spiritual advisers, who also presides over the Salem Baptist Church, perhaps the largest church in Illinois with some 20,000 members. He has served as an executive vice president for Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH organization.

“Black people don’t hate Jews, Black people hate White people. We don’t got time to dice White people up into little groups!”

Comedian Chris Rock, January 2008.

“The White man is the Devil”

Rev. Louis Farrakhan on numerous occasions.

“Obama’s acting like he’s White”

Rev. Jesse Jackson

Americans of all colors have rightly condemned the divisive, xenophobic, hate-mongering and rabidly right wing conservative teachings of white preachers Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and John Hagee. We have, however, turned away from condemning the prejudice emanating from equally rabid and no less hate-filled pastors in the black church. So when the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the Rev. James Meeks are revealed to be intimately connected with the candidate, Barack Obama, we are not sure what to think. Obama told the Chicago Sun-Times that the day after he won a 2004 senatorial primary, he stopped by Meeks’ Salem Baptist Church for Wednesday-night Bible study. Said Meeks of Obama:

“I know that he’s a person of prayer, The night after the election, he was the hottest thing going from Galesburg to Rockford. He did all the TV shows, and all the morning news, but his last stop at night was for church. He came by to say thank you, and he came by for prayer.”

In 2006, Meeks informed his church during a sermon that he may run for Illinois governor, and he was recorded telling the mostly black congregation that any “white Christian” who doesn’t vote for him is a “racist.” He declared from the pulpit:

“If I do run and there are two people in the race who both are not standing for morality, if I don’t have every white Christian vote in the state of Illinois, I will stand on top of the Sears Tower and call every one of y’all racist.”

Meeks is also notorious for his strong anti-homosexual platform. He has routinely voted against pro-homosexual legislation and has been quoted during sermons referring to same-sex attraction as an evil sickness.

In the ‘spring 2007 Intelligence Report’ the SPLC carried this article on the front page of their newsletter:

Bishop Eddie Long takes to the pulpit wearing a crisp, two-piece suit. Long’s been known to dress down in tight muscle shirts and leather vests when preaching, but for this sermon it’s business attire. A flock of young men from his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church near Atlanta surround Long’s pulpit.

“We’re raising our young boys to be just like the women,” he bellows to his congregation, which today numbers more than 25,000 people. “We keep telling men to get in touch with their [sweetens his voice] sensitive self.”

Almost 45 minutes into the sermon, captured on a videotape that is for sale in his church’s bookstore, Bishop Long grows louder and angrier.

“The problem today and the reason society is like it is, is because men are being feminized and women are being masculine!” he roars. “You can not say, ‘I was born this way.’ … I don’t care what scientists say!”

The crowd erupts in “amens,” laughter and clapping.

Eddie Long is just one example of a growing number of powerful, politically active African-American pastors who are increasingly aligning themselves with the white evangelical Christian leaders who have been building a religiously based anti-gay movement for more than 30 years now. Like their white counterparts, these black anti-gay preachers routinely identify the so-called “homosexual agenda” — not poverty, racism, gang violence, inadequate schools, or unemployment — as the No. 1 threat facing black Americans today. Often, they take their cues from white Christian Right hard-liners like Traditional Values Coalition chairman Louis Sheldon, who told TV pundit Tucker Carlson in January 2006 that homosexuality is “the biggest problem facing inner-city black neighborhoods.” Sheldon later delivered the same message to the Congressional Black Caucus, this time accompanied by Bishop Paul Morton, a black anti-gay minister from New Orleans.

The SPLC article awarded the following preachers with starring roles for their anti-gay rhetoric:

Rev. Gregory Daniels, Chicago, Ill,; Bishop Harry Jackson, Washington D.C.; Bishop Eddie Long, Lithonia, Georgia; Bishop Wellington Boone, Norcross, Ga; Rev. Keith Butler, Detroit, Mich.; Rev. T. J. Graham, Nashville, Tenn.; Pastor Ken Hutcherson, Redmond, Wash.; Rev. James Meeks, Chicago, Ill.; Bishop Alfred Owens, Washington, D.C.; Rev. Jesse Peterson, Los Angeles, Calif.; Rev. Willie Wilson, Washington, D.C.; and the Revs. David Onouha and Bishop Peter Akinola, Nigeria, Africa, Episcopalian ministers who has been actively involved in promoting anti-homosexual religious doctrines—in America.

Also from the SPLC article:

Today, more and more black preachers across the country are picking up the idea that gay rights activists have no right to cite the civil rights movement. These preachers are now becoming the new advance guard in the hard-line Christian Right’s crusade to religiously and politically condemn homosexuals. They are demonizing gays in fiery sermons and hammering the message that gay rights and civil rights are not only separate issues, but also opposing forces.

Rev. Dwight McKissic, a black Texas pastor, argued last year that classifying the gay rights movement as part of the larger civil rights struggle is “insulting, offensive, demeaning, and racist.” He spoke at the 2006 “Values Voters Summit,” a conservative political action conference sponsored by the nation’s dominant anti-gay evangelical organization, James Dobson’s Focus on the Family. Also last year, anti-gay African-American Bishop Eugene Rivers told The Boston Globe, “The gay community is pimping the civil rights movement.”

Bernice King, the youngest daughter of the King family, is a minister in her own right and, despite her own mother and the wife of Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta King’s opposite views, the daughter is an outspoken opponent of gay rights. Donna Brazille is too. Howard Dean has said that Brazille objected “most strenuously” to a proposal by Gay Democrats to add GLBT delegates to affirmative action guidelines that states follow when selecting those who attend the party’s national convention because she sees it as an affront to the civil rights movement. [This mirrors the national Association of Black Journalists who vetoed to include national Lesbian & Gay journalists Association in an umbrella group of minority journalists.]

The rising tide of hate in the black church towards homosexuals is by no means everywhere or in every church. But the voices of reason and compromise, of tolerance and compassion are not nearly as well broadcast nor are they as militant. And one looks everywhere without an answer for the well-known AA voice that will stand-up against it. Barack Obama–who has had the endorsement of Meeks, and who included as the MC on his southern gospel tour Donnie McClurkin who regularly and often ranted against homosexuality– preached against intolerance for gays at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, the home church of the Reverend Martin Luther King, perhaps the most liberal and tolerant black church in America today. And yet Mr. Obama also refused to have his picture taken with the Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsome, because of his support of gay marriage. So it would seem that Mr. Obama is well aware of the prejudices within the black community. And he will not only, not buck the tide unless the audience is already receptive to that message, he will by his own actions inflame the hate.

How one longs in the midst of this maelstrom of prejudice for the moral authority of a Martin Luther King. In his place his wife has stepped forward on this issue. In 1998, speaking on the 30th anniversary of her husband’s death, she made that plain.

“I still hear people say that I should not be talking about the rights of lesbian and gay people and I should stick to the issue of racial justice,” the civil rights leader’s widow told her audience. “But I hasten to remind them that Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream to make room at the table of brother- and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people.”

National interest in the black church in America has recently soared as a result of the anti-White, and anti-American comments issued from the pulpit by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Senator Obama’s pastor for 20 years. And Wright has defended his comments as having been singled out in what amounts to an assault on the black church in America. He has found many defenders, some prominent in both the black church and within the National Advancement of Colored People, NAACP. One of these is the Rev. Joseph A. Darby, Morris Brown AME Church, Charleston, South Carolina, and First Vice President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP:

“Regardless of those who cannot and will not understand and who will condemn the words of Jeremiah Wright and other prophets of freedom, the black church will always be an authentic voice of liberation and inspiration that actively confronts the sins of greed and racism and that does so as a partner in progress with the NAACP. In spite of efforts to buy and use the black church, real black preachers will always be on the case, believing that even in unjust and critical times, God is still on the throne.”

But black and white voices have also been raised in protest and the controversy has raged for days across the internet:

Racism will never end if the black church keeps promoting it. Rev. Wright incited hate towards white America and America in his sermons. God will hold him accountable for his words. Yes he has done great things at his church, and I don’t doubt he is a great man of God, but certain words he should not say or think. Looking back is not the way forward. It’s important not to forget the past but the past can also hinder the nation from moving forward. Rev. Wright should ask at the end of the day, would his words bring souls to Christ or draw them from him. Many people have put their opinions on this issue and it is possible that some have been drawn away from Christ because of this. Therefore, Rev. Darby should consider his opinion.

Comment by HopeB — April 3, 2008 @ 3:51 pm

I also think that the following comment resonates with many. It comes from a Jew and he is writing on a well known website of a Jewish woman, Debbie Schussel:

Debbie; I know your heart’s in the right place, but your brain isn’t keeping company with it. I have spent the past twenty or more years working in environments with a huge portion of blacks. I had two stints where I was the only white in the place.

So here’s the deal. Blacks are the most racist and bigoted part of our society and culture. They hate Jews and you think it stops there, you only feel sorry for yourselves. They hate Asians more than they hate Jews. They may hate Mexicans more than they hate white people. A person who hates does not stop at the first truck stop and go to sleep. Hate may be the only thing that really lasts.

It’s no accident that Wright speaks in a church where his words stay inside. There are black preachers all over this county that are far worse than he. Black ‘religion’ is racist religion in far too many churches.

So it’s the poor Jews who are victims? Wake up Debbie, it’s everybody other than Blacks who are hated. And I think hate usually indicates that the hater hates himself worse than anyone.

BTW, Black males hate women more than anything you can imagine. The men are sexist to an extreme that has never existed anywhere else. Casual rape is the name of the game. They routinely corner girls and women and literally force themselves upon them….and Black women take it. White girls take it too.

Understand it? They hate because it has approval among their peers as white racism had approval among whites a century ago. Until we all stand up and lock them out, this is going to get worse

Posted by: Howard at April 10, 2008 05:38 PMworse.

The issue of black racism and bigotry is not going to go away without attention paid and without active debate and censure. But we are not up to the job. Rev. Wright is extolled throughout the black community as a man of good works. His 20 year narrative of hate against Whites is either ignored or dismissed as part of the tradition of the black church in America.

This parallels AA silence about hate crimes when they are black on white. And there is increasing evidence that despite a familiar narrative and oft repeated history of White on Black abuse, the truth is that today, in the year 2007, Black hate crime against Whites is greater than White hate crime against Blacks. Last year, FBI hate crime statistics showed that 21% of hate crimes were Black on White. AA’s comprise 15-18% of the total population. And 58% of hate crimes were White on Black. Whites are about 75- 80% of the population. [SPLC figures]

But we are not keeping up with the changing nature of hate crimes. The all-familiar narrative of white on black violence is what prevails. The tortured history of AA’s in this country, especially in the south with its history of slavery and lynchings, constantly upstages any rational talk of hate crimes today. And black church leaders, who either promote white hate or hate for Jews and gays across the nation, go uncensored and unchallenged.

This is not without consequences.

On Halloween 2006, three white girls in Long Beach, California, were brutally beaten by a gang of black teenagers whose numbers have been estimated to range as high as 30 people. The attackers screamed “I Hate Whites.” And “Fu$#ing White Whores.” Ten of the teens were prosecuted and eight were charged with having committed a hate crime. The violence in the case was brutal. One woman had more than a dozen facial fractures and underwent reconstruction surgery. Another was knocked unconscious and then beaten with a skateboard. She was also punched and kicked. The worst injured girl had thirteen skull fractures and one of her eye sockets had to be re-attached to her skull.

The editor of Long Beach’s black newspaper disputed that there was any racial motive in the attacks and blamed the 3 white girls for provoking the violence. The paper also accused prosecutors of overkill in piling on hate charges. In the end eight of the girls and one man, who ranged in age from 13 to 18, were convicted of felony assault and all, but one, were also were convicted of a hate-crime enhancement. They were sentenced to probation and house arrest having spent about three months in custody during their trial.

If there was outrage over the nature of the crime and the sentence meeted out to the lawbreakers, it barely rippled across the nation’s media outlets;

Racially motivated hate speech and incitements to violence against Whites, Jews and or Gays by AA pastors like Wright, Sharpton and all the other black preachers mentioned in this article–and the countless others who have gone unnamed–is a horrific blight now spreading across the face of the Black church in America. What an appalling irony it is, that a church that led the fight for equal rights, and that marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., is now itself promulgating bigotry in the name of God.


©2008 Lin Farley, of All Rights Reserved.

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Buyers Remorse

May 4th, 2008 J Cifre, J.D. Posted in Humor, Outside Sources | 103 Comments »

Buyers remorse is a heck of a thing, specially when it comes from the Mainstream Media. A few months back (just look back in our archive) this same Media (specially MSNBC and CNN) spent countless hours berating and mocking Hillary Clinton, and her chances against Barack Obama. At the time, these same pundits, with the clear exception of Pat Buchanan, described Obama as a new “hope”, not only for Democrats but also for Republicans. From the start, they miscalculated and hid plenty of evidence which would have allowed them to realize that this was wishful thinking at best and devious misdirection at worse.

But the tune has dramatically changed. Today, and as can be easily appreciated by these videos, their song is starting to flow with a softer beat, and their open mockery of Obama’s ‘intelligence’ and his weak capacity to discuss policy has become so dramatic (because of the contrast), that it borders on comedy. The clips above are also quite curious since they are basically a response to the now famous Bill O’Reilly interview that Hillary Clinton was at first admonished to not attend by the Liberal blogs and advocates.

Of course, SavagePolitics has been pointing out the almost comical paper thin qualifications of Barack Hussein Obama since January, so this is not news to most of our readers. We have spent countless hours on this subject, not because Clinton (or McCain for that matter) are “respectable” politicians or “great” candidates in their own right, but because in comparison to any of them, Obama is an embarrassment to his Party and our political culture (and thus meritorious of extensive scrutiny).

Along with the ignorance of the Liberal establishment, the Mainstream Media has been personally responsible for the pathetically sycophantic pandering that has brought Obama to the forefront of American politics. Now, even these pedantic elitists have come to realize that his candidacy spells a guaranteed defeat for his collectivity and our Nation, if he ever ends up running in the general election.

For the pure enjoyment of watching these buffoons drool over a candidate they fairly recently were ordered to publicly discount by their editors, the videos above will appeal to many political junkies, even if they don’t like Clinton as a political figure, for the simple irony of it’s display and the poetic justice of it all.

To round off the corners of the ridiculous shift above, the video bellow nicely underlines the argument. Enjoy!

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The Bitter Fabrication

May 3rd, 2008 J Cifre, J.D. Posted in American News | 99 Comments »

The video above has been doing the rounds throughout the internet and I thought it would be prudent to present it here, for various reasons.

First, and as can be clearly seen, the clip is a political ploy to make the claim that those who are within the Clinton campaign are ALSO elitist (and racist) fools, who only utilize poor White voters for their “ulterior motives”. In it, you are ’shown’ Mickey Kantor, who served as campaign chairman during Bill Clinton’s 1992 run for the White House, and who has offered informal help and advice to Sen. Clinton, ’saying’ that the people in Indiana are “sh$t” and that they are “White ni$$ers”. Of course, if the person who made the video, and more importantly the ones who wish this were true, knew any political history, they would understand the context of said election, automatically understanding the comment about the apparent fear that Bush’s campaign must have been feeling about losing his seat. Everyone who viewed this documentary at the time knew this and if they had said what is claimed above, you can be sure they would ALL have been politically destroyed.

If Clinton detractors want to make the case that they are arrogant elitists, they should find substantive evidence of the fact without having to fake their way into a ‘fluffed’ controversy.

Second, if you notice, the editor of the clip didn’t even go through the trouble of altering the actual voice of it’s participants (they have done this now in posterior videos), they simply placed their own captions to help the listener along in the assumption.

Third, and more importantly, since the director of said documentary, D.A. Pennebaker, has already told the Huffington Post that Kantor “never said that”, along with the independent testimony of James Carville and George Stephanopoulos, who were also present, it becomes quite evident that this video is a “hit job” against the Clinton campaign, to derail her chances in the upcoming Indiana contest against Barack Obama. SOURCE

To be fair, although some speculate that this political scam is coming from the Obama campaign (since it only benefits his chances in said State), there is no proof of this contention, and it is just to assume (at least for now) that the video is a prank from a highly bored individual.

Above you can view an amateur attempt at voice analysis of the video in question, even though what they declare inaudible can still be easily understood. Nonetheless, towards the end, you can clearly appreciate that Kantor never said the words now applied to him (particularly the ‘White ni@@ers” bit)

Finally, the video above is the original published work of the documentary “The War Room”. If you listen closely (once again), it is quite apparent that Mr. Kandor did not say what is now deviously ascribed to him. When you add the now published comments and clarification made by all of those involved, including the video’s original director, it is definite that this is a fabricated controversy.

Obviously, this should have been presumed from the outset, since these individuals would have to be INSANE to openly state (and listen to) these blatantly sleazy opinions in front of a video crew who is documenting the 1992 election.

But, desperation is the mother of invention, and Obama supporters seem to be grasping at anything racial or arrogant to which they can cling to and accuse their opponents with. Apparently, they don’t have enough of those “nasty” guns and Bibles that Obama was referring to during his own “Bitter Gate”.

©2008 J. Cifre, J.D., of All Rights Reserved.

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The Truth VS. Barack Obama

May 1st, 2008 ShallowHal Posted in Political Analysis | 321 Comments »

by Shallow Hal Contributor
(Shallow Hal is the ORIGINAL AUTHOR of the now famous “Barack Obama’s LAUNDRY LIST OF LIES”)


A warning should be issued, right here, and right now. What I am about to tell you could hurt you. It could set you free. It could be told in a way you might not like or respect. It could be all of these things and a few you never wanted to know.

In your Divided House there exists a paper thin weakness, a figure behind a curtain, with feet of clay, living only for the hour because tomorrow may never come. The soft underbelly your Champion harbors in hopeful oblivion exists, I and many others, together, have seen it. There are just too few of us. We know what it fears, for we are ‘The Sword’. It has it’s Achilles Heel, this Body Politic, if one only knows where to look. But to look requires the opening of one’s eyes. And yes, it could be awful. That is why I’ve warned you.

Nothing ever worth knowing is easy and this is no different. I need you to see. I need you to think. I need you to understand where I am coming from. But first you must understand who I am because if you cannot recognize me, there is no point in us going any further. So allow me to introduce myself - my name is Truth.

By definition I am simple. TRUTH: 1. the true or actual state of a matter; 2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement; 3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle; 4. the state or character of being true; 5. an obvious or accepted fact; truism; 6. honesty; integrity; truthfulness; 7. (capitalized first letter) ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience.

So as you can see, I can be many things but I cannot be controverted. I can weather opinions but am never changed by them. No matter the twisting of the wind or the shade of the glass, the sky is still blue and the grass is still green, and a version of the truth is only true if unchanged.

So this brings me to my portrait, the one I am about to paint. It is mine, and yet others have drawn the same conclusion. It has taken years for this picture to ‘expose’ itself, but just a month and a day, for me to paint the image, that I have discovered was not in my mind alone. But this is not a reproduction; this is not an opinion. After all, I am Truth, am I not? So I must tell you the image is real; it is set. This portrait is more Dorian Gray, knife in canvas, then Dorian Gray, young illusionist, misleading his audience, while hiding from the world his sins behind a curtain. Indeed, this is the Dorian Gray found on the floor, horrible to look upon, but undeniably him.


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CHARGE 1 – “The March on Selma got me born.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama was born August 4th, 1961. The march on Selma began March 7th, 1965. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM – Senator Obama was talking about the general movement, not specifically about Selma.

REBUTTTAL – Senator Obama was in Selma, Alabama, before a mostly AA crowd at the Brown Chapel AME Church on March 4th, 2007. He clearly stated “because some folks were willing to march across a bridge . . . they (his parents) got together, and Barack Obama, Jr. was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama!” Barack Hussein Obama was born on August 4, 1961. The first march on Selma, Alabama occurred on March 7, 1965.

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CHARGE 5 - “President Kennedy rescued my father from Kenyan obscurity and airlifted him to the American Dream.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama’s father came in September 1960, while EISENHOWER was President. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM – But his father did come to the U.S. so what is the big deal?

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama misrepresents historical events. No speech by President John F. Kennedy brought Senator Obama’s father to the U.S. in 1960. John F. Kennedy was not President in 1960, Dwight D. Eisenhower was President. The Senator is attempting to subtly equate himself with J.F.K., subconsciously implying he would be a similar President. Senator Obama, you are no Jack Kennedy.

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CHARGE 19 - “I do not vote ‘Present’ any more than any other IL Representative.”

EVIDENCE – While ‘Present’ votes may not be unusual in Illinois, the number of ‘Present’ votes that Senator Obama placed ARE disproportionate. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, NY Times 12/20/07 by Raymond Hernandez and Christopher Drew

COUNTER CLAIM – ‘Present’ votes are used to block portions of undesirable legislation and is a common tactic in Illinois.

REBUTTAL – The issue at hand is not the purpose of the ‘Present’ votes but rather their frequency. 129 ‘Present’ votes is not a common number for any Representative in the Illinois State House, other than Senator Obama.

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CHARGE 21 - “I barely know William Ayers” – A.K.A. – Abu Zayd

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama announced the start of his Senate campaign from the front steps of William Ayers’ home, in the neighborhood that they share. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM – Just because Senator Obama lives in the same neighborhood with Ayers doesn’t prove they knew each other well.

REBUTTAL – William Ayers (or Abu-Zayd), Louis Farrakhan, and Senator Obama all live in the same neighborhood. Ayers is the founder of the Woods Fund, of which Senator Obama was it’s director from 1999 to 2002. Perhaps one might ask oneself; who chooses the director of the Wood Fund? Perhaps its founder? Secondly, if Senator Obama announced his campaign run in Illinois from Ayers’s home, did he not ask Ayers’ permission first? If the Senator did not know Abu-Zayd Ayers well, then how did he come to choose Ayers’ front steps to announce his campaign? Random chance?

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CHARGE 22 - “I support a 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.”

EVIDENCE - We enter into evidence a few of Senator Obama’s quotes and votes on gun control: “Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions.” (Jul 1998), “Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers.” (Jul 2005). SOURCE 1, Source 2: The Improbable Quest, by John K. Wilson, p.148 Oct 30, 2007, Source 3: 1998 IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test Jul 2, 1998, Reference: Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act; Bill S 397 ; vote number 2005-219 on Jul 29, 2005

COUNTER CLAIM – Senator Obama just wants to prevent criminals for finding and using guns.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama’s policy on guns seems to change specifically in regards to the audience he is addressing. There are many quotes from the Senator in which he suggests an all out ban on handguns. Bare in mind that these bans PRIMARILY affect LEGAL gun ownership.

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CHARGE 28 - “I have the solutions to repair our economy.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama voted against his own economic proposal package. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM - Washington is in a stalemate. Senator Obama has fresh ideas.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama’s 111 economic proposals were just combined into an amendment to a bill, and the amendment was defeated 97-0. Senator Obama rejected his own proposals; apparently, they were not the solutions or ‘fresh ideas’ he was speaking about.

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CHARGE 30 - “I barely know Tony Rezko. I did about 5 hours of billed work for him.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama has known Antoin Rezko for 17 years. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama meets many people. He is a Senator.

REBUTTAL – Antoin Rezko first spoke with Senator Obama in 1990. Senator Obama worked at the Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland Law firm, specializing in legal issues involving land development. It is in this area of law that the Senator came in contact with Rezko and his company, Rezmar Corp. Senator Obama left the law firm for the State Legislature, while one of the firm’s founders, Mr. Allison Davis, left his firm to form a new development company, New Kenwood LLC – with none other than Mr. Antoin Rezko. Once in the State Legislature, and still performing periodic work for his old law firm (now Miner, Barnhill, & Galland), Senator Obama used his elected position to provide legitimacy to his friend’s new venture. He crafted a letter to the legislature that ultimately secured $855,000 in ‘development fees’ for his pals, Rezko and Davis. Mr. Rezko went on to be quite a staunch campaign donor for the Senator, raising at least $250,000 for Senator Obama while in Illinois.

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CHARGE 32 - “I don’t have ‘bundlers’ and I don’t take PAC money.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama has 79 bundlers and has collected over $13,000,000 in lobbyist PAC money. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama has been careful not to compromise himself, “rejecting campaign support from Political Action Committees and lobbyists.”

REBUTTAL – Here is a starter list of Senator Obama’s registered lobbyists:

Timothy Broas $100,000, Frank Clark $200,000, Howard Gutman $200,000, Scott Harris (DC) $200,000, Allan Katz $200,000, William Lake (DC) $50,000, Robert S. Litt $not given, Kenneth Lore (DC) $50,000, Thomas Perrelli $200,000, Thomas Reed $200,000, Paul Roth $50,000, Alan Solomont $100,000, Robert M. Sussman (DC) $50,000, Tom Wheeler (DC) $100,000. $1,700,000 dollars from these registered lobbyists, or four times more than Obama’s officially declared lobbyist sum. To date there are at least 38 such individual lobbyists donating to Senator Obama’s campaign. PS – Having the wives of these individuals write the checks does not alter where the money came from.

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CHARGE 33 - “I don’t take money from lobbyists.”

EVIDENCE - At least 38 Individuals on Senator Obama’s campaign are or work for lobbyists. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM – Most of the individuals you site are lawyers, not lobbyists.

REBUTTAL – Most of the lawyers that make up this list work for firms that lobby the Government. 31 of them manage registered lobbyists. You may parse the definitions – these lawyers and/or their firms lobby the government and donate to Senator Obama’s campaign. Either way, he takes money from lobbyists.

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CHARGE 35 - “I have clean connections, unlike my opponents and most of Washington.”

EVIDENCE - Rezko, William Ayers (Abu-Zayd), Nadmi Auchi, Rashid Khalidi, Jeremiah Wright, James Meeks, Louis Farrakhan. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5, SOURCE 6, SOURCE 7

COUNTER CLAIM - Guilt by association is not fair.

REBUTTAL – Associations one chooses to initiate and/or maintain speaks to one’s character and judgment. For instance, Antoin Rezko – who is currently on trial for Corruption. Senator Obama has received a quarter of a million dollars from this individual, and has had to return it in ever increasing amounts, as the Senator was caught not truthfully disclosing the amount donated. Senator Obama also decided to participate in a real estate deal with Mr. Rezko during a time when he was proven to be under investigation. Despite this, The Senator made a deal to purchase a home, by dividing the property with the Rezko family. The property in question was divided, lot VS. House, because it was out of The Senator’s price range. And so was the down payment. Perhaps this is where Auchi comes in? Only the trial of Rezko can tell us. Continuing, once it was determined that the Senator could not afford the property, $300K was promptly removed from the asking price (in 2005, before mortgage problems drove down home prices). Rezko’s wife stepped in to buy the lot the Senator couldn’t afford, saving him $625,000. Another associate of Senator Obama’s is the founder of the Woods Fund, for which the Senator was its Director for 4 years, William (Abu-Zayd) Ayers. Abu-Zayd, or William Ayers as he was known then, was an American Terrorist who attempted to bomb the Pentagon. Next on our list would be Nadmi Auchi – Iraqi Billionaire swindler who helped himself to money from the Food Or Oil program and may have assisted the Senator is securing the money to put down on his Chicago mansion. Next we have Rashid Khalidi – former PLO spokesman and supporter of terrorism against Israel. Next we have the infamous Jeremiah Wright and James Meeks – rabid racists, anti-American preachers/community leaders, both have an affinity or a direct connection to the Nation of Islam. Speaking of the Nation of Islam, we next have Louis Farrakhan – renowned racist, anti-American, voracious Anti-Semite and homophobe – leader of the Nation of Islam. One would like to ask Senator Obama which of these individuals are the ‘clean’ ones?


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CHARGE 38 - “I sponsored dozens of my own bills in one year and passed them in the Illinois State Senate.”

EVIDENCE - State Senator Ricky Hendon ‘appointed’ Obama as sponsor of Hendon’s high-profile legislation. Not one of those Bills was truly sponsored by Senator Obama. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - But Senator Obama did sponsor and pass the bills.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama was ‘appointed’ the sponsor of bills originated and crafted by Senator Hendon. Senator Obama attached his signature to the bill, thus conspicuously taking credit for it’s sponsorship and passage. Additionally Emil Jones had to direct Senator Obama to craft certain legislation. It was not spontaneously created by Senator Obama.


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CHARGE 39 - “I believe in fairness, not tactics, to win elections.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama hired a team of investigators to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against him. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Some of the signatures for Alice Palmer were forged.

REBUTTAL – 4 of the signatures were found to be forgeries. Senator Obama used investigators and little known political tactics to eliminate his opposition. He then went on to run uncontested.

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CHARGE 49 - “I have sponsored and passed plenty of Bills in the U.S. Senate. I have experience.”

EVIDENCE - You have passed 2 BILLs in the U.S. Senate – one for Africa and one that makes lobbyists stand while they eat. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama has sponsored 123 Bills in the US Senate.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama has one of the worst records for getting bills passed that he has sponsored in the US Senate. That sounds like experience most of us wouldn’t want. The Senator has sponsored and passed 2 Bills in the US Senate - one for the Congo (shock and awe?) and one that makes lobbyists stand when they eat. Impressive work for 4 years on the job.

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CHARGE 60 - “I never heard sermons at Trinity like those being played on Youtube and by the mainstream media.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama said: “Did I ever hear him (Rev. Wright) make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.” SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama said he disagreed with what Reverend Wright said, what more do you want him to say?

REBUTTAL – Not only did Senator Obama agree with Rev. Wright, 14 months earlier about having to distance himself from the church, (and Rev. Wright himself), Senator Obama said he had never heard sermons that contained anything like what the mainstream media and Youtube were playing ‘on every station’. 3 days later, in his own speech, he stated ““Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.” ‘What more do we want him to say?’ We think ‘I Lied.’ would be sufficient.

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CHARGE 66 - “My campaign donations are from millions of average people {bitter, typical white people too?}. We are winning in a new way, without corporate influence, or special interests.”

EVIDENCE - The implication is that special interests, corporations, banks, and industry donations are not accepted. Nothing could be further from the truth. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama has millions of donors who have given less than $100.

REBUTTAL – True, Senator Obama does have many donors that have given less then $100. Senator Obama also allows the false impression that he does not take PAC or lobbyist money, money from Big Oil, Big Banking, Big Industry, or Corporate America. Here is a very small rundown of just how much money these special interest, corporate giants have been donating to Senator Obama’s ‘Grass Roots’ campaign: Top Contributors: 1 Kirkland & Ellis $143,138, 2 University of Chicago $139,554, 3 Sidley Austin LLP $100,932,4 Henry Crown & Co $79,500, 5 Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal $74,950, 6 Exelon Corp $71,850, 7 Northwestern University $70,430, 8 Mayer, Brown et al $69,960, 9 Jenner & Block $62,710, 10 Soros Fund Management $61,605, 11 Goldman Sachs $61,500, 12 Clifford Law Offices $59,550, 13 Simmons Cooper LLC $58,500, 14 Tejas Securities $57,250, 15 JP Morgan Chase & Co $56,600, 16 Ariel Capital Management $55,650, 17 Skadden, Arps et al $54,071, 18 Winston & Strawn $52,450, 19 Piper Rudnick LLP $45,600, 20 Holland Capital Management $43,350. The top industries supporting Barack Obama are: 1 Lawyers/Law Firms $2,464,360, 2 Securities & Investment $1,117,132, 3 Retired $857,601, 4 Real Estate $620,760, 5 Education $542,966, 6 Business Services $509,266, 7 Misc Finance $415,498, 8 Health Professionals $363,713, 9 TV/Movies/Music $299,233, 10 Commercial Banks $282,553, 11 Printing & Publishing $186,293, 12 Insurance $183,132, 13 Non-Profit Institutions $175,720, 14 Misc Business $150,991, 15 Hospitals/Nursing Homes $146,175, 16 Civil Servants/Public Officials $144,069, 17 Lobbyists $127,800, 18 Computers/Internet $125,333, 19 Construction Services $119,910, 20 Electric Utilities $102,700

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This is merely the framework of the portrait; there is more to the image on the canvas then first meets the eye. It’s details await examination. ‘Inside’ you will find magazine articles that never existed, Not-So-Universal healthcare, bill-jacked legislation, the promise not to run for office in 2008, ‘Present’ votes, ‘Oops’ votes, Ayers, Rezko, Wright, Meeks, Farrakhan, Khalidi, Auchi, Palmer, Michigan, Florida, Guns, Exelon, Lobbyists, PAC Bundlers, Big Oil, SubPrime, Passports, NAFTA, FARC, Altgeld, Caucuses and Classmates, Trinity and Terrorism, Bitter, Typical White People, Flag Pins and Anthems, Investment Conflicts and Un-proud, Overpaid Wives. For starters.

Follow the link - and down the rabbit hole you go . . .


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